четверг, 1 февраля 2018 г.

среда, 31 января 2018 г.

Hint #2 - Endless fly!

1) Install Super Mod v.3
2) Disable gravity
3) Jump on your skate

Hint #1 - Ninja Outfit

The Green Ninja Outfit (SP_NinjaW_...) increases your attack!
The Red Ninja Outfit (SP_NinjaR_...) allows you to trespass without getting caught!
With Black Ninja Outfit (SP_Ninja_...) prefects can't see or bust you!

BONUS: How to make a skin

1) Extract a model, like GN_Greekboy.nif and a texture, like GN_Greekboy.nft. It's Constantinos skin.
2) Copy .nif and .nft 4 times.
3) I will replace Red Ninja. So rename first pair to SP_NinjaR_FT, second must be SP_NinjaR_H, the third must be SP_NinjaR_L and the fourth one must be SP_NinjaR_T.
4) Replace files in World.img (DON'T FORGET TO MAKE A BACKUP!)
